Sunday, September 23, 2007


BBQ for the celebration of the Mooncake Festival

王维的这一首诗, 从小到现在,真正对这首诗有感觉的只有两次。第一次是在大学的时候,第二次,竟然是在台湾的第一个中秋节。在台湾,中秋节是一个大日子。 之前伟强告诉我这些,都没有很在意。但,现在人在台湾, 才发现,真的很“大”!今晚,到处都可以听到烟花在天上歌舞的声音。 在台湾,人们都会在中秋节时来一个烧烤会。 很棒。





At oversea, you can experience different culture. What is the difference between Taiwan and Malaysia? Well, everything here is just the opposite with everything in Malaysia.

In Malaysia, the driver sitting on the right hand side. In Taiwan, they sit on the left.
In Malaysia, all the car follow the left hand side. In Taiwan, they follow the right.
In Malaysia, before you crossing the road, you look at right, left and right. In Taiwan, they look at left, right and left.
In Malaysia, the switch is ON when you pressing the lower part. In Taiwan, it is OFF.
In Malaysia, the fan is the weakest for number "1". In Taiwan, it is the strongest.

Living at oversea will wider your views. :) But, I still love my motherland, Malaysia. And I hope Malaysia will love all of Her sons and daughters.

星期六的早晨 Saturday Morning

早上六点五十七分。天空已经很亮了。刚到这里才一个星期的我,还有点不习惯。差不多每天早上都会被吓醒。 每次看到天很亮,会以为已经九点多了。
Believe it or not, it is 657am. For the first week, I will get a shock every morning. The sun light make me feel that it is already 9 something in the morning.

The traffic light and zebra crossing. There are only two modes. Either the horizontal side green light or the vertical side. On the way to office. Saturday should be holiday. But, we have to attend a training course at Taipei. :) And, it is my first training course at the first Saturday at Taiwan.

Erm, it should be electricity meter or water bill meter?

In Malaysia, do you dare to just put your mop outside your house?

Saturday morning, the main road it is. But, it appear to be so quiet.

Saw the yellow color sign board with words red in color? :) It means economy rice in Malaysia.

第四天 The Fourth Day

台湾的高楼不多。可能是地震的缘故吧, 因此,都有一定的高度可以建。 如果超过指定高度, 就必须用更好的建筑材料。
There is not much high rise building at Taiwan. May be due to earthquake and the cost of the material being used in the construction.

Citibank 花旗银行

机车是台湾人对这个踏板车的称号。 “机车”,也是骂人的话吧。在这里,到现在还没看到真正的摩托车。
Scooter. So far, I never saw a motorcycle here. So? what is the difference between motorcycle and scooter? :) May be this site helps.

其实那天是要到这里来办外侨居留证。但是,办外侨居留证还须要带租房子的契约。 很遗憾的,这些都没有在网上详细说明。所以,办不成,被逼下午再去办。而且,有些网页是说明三个工作天就可以领件。 但是,到那里,他们却说须要等14天(10个工作天)。
The day and the place I went to apply for my ARC (Alien Resident Certificate). All the information is not really complete in the website. They didn't stated all the documents needed. There are some information is not updated as well. In some website, they stated that the collection of ARC can be done after three working day. But, they actually need 14 days (ten working days).

现在才发现,这个告示牌该怎么读啊?是“停放区, 机慢车”或?
Haha, now only I realised that, I don't know how to read the sign board. I should read it from left to right, up to down? Or?


Three things we shouldn't forget

Once all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella.


Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby when you throw him in the air, he laughs. Because he knows you will catch him.

That's TRUST

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still we have plans for the coming day.

That's HOPE

[Sharing from Qi Jun]

Monday, September 03, 2007

My address

If you want to have my address, you can get it directly from me. Through YM, MSN or Skype. :)
But if the mailling material need signature, better don't post to this address.

Scenary at Zhong Li

Night Market

Japanese Food

From Left: Joanne, Jenny, 阿残和Ken

Supermarket at Zhong Li

A shop for key duplication

The place I had my lunch and dinner

Night view of the street near my house

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Eva Airline

Eva Airline

Stewardesses. They are using mandarin in serving the customers.

Cute green cup

Red Wine

Dinner of the night. :) Black pepper chicken and rice.

First time, alone on the plane. Seat beside me is empty. I am sitting at the seat just beside the aisle.

Taiwaneses who sit on the seats next to the seat beside me.